Thursday, February 10, 2011

Photo Manipulation Assignment

I edited three different photos that I took during various vacations for this assignment. The first set is of a street in Miami:

Original Photo:

Edited photo:

Since the original shot was a very beautiful, vacation-like shot of the Miami street, I wanted to make the edited photo look like an old-style postcard. To do this I added more light to the photo to really amplify the sun and the brightness in the trees. I also sharpened the photo so that the details in the palm trees became almost etched rather than flat. By doing these two very simple things I brought the photo into a much sharper and nearly cartoon-like image, which I think allowed me to achieve the desired look.

The second shot I used was from a camping trip at Killbear National Park.

Original photo:

Manipulated Photo:

In this photo I added highlights, shadows, and I also filled the light in the photo. Once I adjusted these levels I used a warming tool to make the colours on the warmer side of the spectrum to really bring out the sunset glow. By doing these things I wanted to showcase the sun coming through the trees and the shadows that the warm glow from the sun creates.

My last photo is from a trip in Michigan of an old, cute cottage bookstore.

Original Photo:

Manipulated photo:

Since the original photo showcases such an adorable and slightly kitschy landmark, I really wanted to play up on its "cute factor". I really wanted to show that it is fun and touristy. To do this I made the saturation much higher to make the colours really pop. I then made the shadows deeper as well so that those bright colours looked even brighter against the dark backdrop. I warmed the colour a bit to bring out that brght yellow, as well.

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