Thursday, April 21, 2011

Discussion Post 11 - Comparing Photojournalist Styles

Andre Kertesz and Henri Cartier-Bresson had a photojournalist style that required them to stay completely separate from the subject matter. They did not alter anything or change anything to their liking, simply taking photographs of what was happening at that very moment.

Smith and Salgado were quite opposite from this, in which they would involve themselves with lighting, subject matter, and change what they wanted to capture what they specifically wanted to see. They crossed ethical codes of photojournalism in this way.

I agree with the original group's post that the concept of "better" is subjective and it is hard to say which one in particular had the better style. In my opinion, however, a photojournalist should simply be a fly on the wall, taking photos of what they see, not what they want. They are not there to alter the scene, they are there to capture the moment and relay it back to the public. In this sense, Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson have a better journalistic approach. A news reporter would not alter their story and change what happened to their own liking, and a photojournalist should be treated the same.

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